Evidence shows Secretary of Education’s concern for homeschoolers is misplaced

Numerous research studies uncovering the advantages of homeschooling have been conducted over several decades, indicating that among many benefits, homeschooled students tend to score higher on standardized tests, are better prepared for college and even get more sleep than their public school counterparts. Apparently, an increasing number of parents and guardians have taken note as…

Perdue has cooking chicken in the bag!

I have a confession to make. And coming from someone who was raised in the South Carolina Lowcountry and the Georgia Coastal Empire, this might be a shocker to many. Deep breath – here goes: I don’t know how to fry chicken. My great-grandmother fried chicken, my grandmother fried chicken, my mother fried chicken, but…

GPB Offers Homeschool Help

Homeschooling families in Georgia have received another helping hand – this time from Georgia Public Broadcasting. As a teacher, I had access to digital content along with a plethora of activities and blackline masters through GPB. When I began homeschooling our two children a month ago, I yearned to access the seemingly never-ending resource that…

My Pioneering Moment

I starting reading The Pioneer Woman’s blog approximately 4 years ago, ooing and awing over her savory dishes and delectable desserts. Just about an hour ago, I finally made one of her recipes – Black Bean Burgers! Please don’t get me wrong, I ENJOY meat! Many days,  I have it as an essential part of my…

Crock-Pot Chronicles: Stuffed Peppers

Recently I was feeling a little adventurous and opted for a break from my everyday dinner fare, you know, Slow Cooker Lasagna, Taco Soup, baked chicken, salmon croquettes, etc. In fact, I was feeling SO adventurous, that I decided to cook Peppers Stuffed with Herbed Ground Turkey and Rice! Why is that so exciting to…

Super science resource for parents and teachers!

I’ve mentioned in previous posts that I taught in public and private schools for 11 years. What I didn’t tell you was that although 9 of those years was in an elementary school, I only taught science once. That sounds incredible, doesn’t it? When I transferred from a middle school way across town to an…